How many times have you heard about wisdom teeth? How many times have you heard about wisdom teeth being pulled or having dental surgery? Most likely, it’s probably happened once or twice in your life, and like many others, you might be wondering why this happens. But first things first, what are wisdom teeth? Wisdom teeth are also known as the third molars, and they are the last set of adult teeth to erupt in your mouth; they usually come in at around age 18-25 years old. What Are Wisdom Teeth? Your wisdom teeth are also known as your third molars. They’re just as important as your other teeth. However, most people don’t really need them at all. Your wisdom teeth aren’t required for chewing. They often grow sideways or backward and can cause a host of problems like tooth decay, gum disease, cysts or tumors under the jaw bone (neuralgia), impacted wisdom teeth and even an infection in your mouth. If you have impacted wisdom teeth, they may be too deep to remove with simple surgery. And...