Periodontal disease begins along the gumline and between the teeth. Flossing is an important part of your oral hygiene routine because it helps remove plaque in areas where the brush can't reach. To really enjoy these benefits, however, you have to use the right techniques. The correct technique for using dental floss: Great, you are using dental floss! However, for flossing to effectively remove plaque from your teeth, you need to make sure you are using the correct technique. Since you will have to put your hands in your mouth, wash your hands before touching the dental floss. The American Dental Hygienists' Association explains that the correct technique consists of four simple steps: How To Use Dental Floss undefined: Wrap: Wrap approximately 45 cm of thread around the middle or index finger of one hand, depending on your preference, and a small portion around the middle or index finger of the other hand (using the middle finger allows you to manipulate the thread with th...