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The Truth About Why You Get Pain in Your Gums, According to Dentists


How much do you know about the pain in your gums? Dentists and hygienists hear it all the time, so they’re experts on the topic. Still, there are many myths and misconceptions floating around out there that can make this common problem more complicated than it needs to be. Here’s what dentists know about the truth about why you get pain in your gums!

What is dentin hypersensitivity?

Dentin hypersensitivity is a painful reaction that happens when you are exposed to cold or hot stimuli. It most commonly occurs after an injury like chipping a tooth or after a filling breaks. This type of pain isn’t just annoying—it can be debilitating and affect your quality of life. But why do some people experience it and others don’t? Is there anything you can do about it if you find yourself suffering from sensitivity?

How does sensitivity occur?

That pain may be caused by tooth sensitivity. Tooth sensitivity is a condition that occurs when your teeth become more susceptible to temperature and touch. Sensitivity is often caused by receding gums due to gum disease or excessive brushing and flossing. If you notice sensitivity, it’s important to see a dentist for an examination so that they can recommend treatment options and help find out what might be causing tooth sensitivity.

What are the most common causes of tooth sensitivity?

If you’re experiencing tooth sensitivity, it might be caused by one of several factors. Of course, if you’re worried about the pain you’re feeling in your teeth or gums, visit your dentist right away. The following are some common causes of tooth sensitivity

How can I treat my tooth sensitivity?

Tooth sensitivity occurs when there is a disruption between your tooth and your nerve. Although it can be uncomfortable, most people can treat tooth sensitivity themselves with proper dental care. A visit to your dentist will ensure that you have healthy teeth and gums and alleviate any pain or irritation. Learn more about why you get pain in your gums by reading on!

Should I be worried about gum disease if I have sensitive teeth?

A dentist will likely recommend that you brush and floss twice a day. But if you’re concerned about gum disease (and let’s face it, who isn’t?), a hygienist may suggest using fluoride treatments or fluoride rinses as well. This can help strengthen your teeth and reduce sensitivity by strengthening tooth enamel. It also helps prevent bacteria from adhering to your teeth—the real culprit behind gum disease.

Can I do anything to prevent sensitivity from occurring again?

Of course, you can. Be sure to brush and floss regularly, visit your dentist at least twice a year and don’t use too much force when brushing your teeth. Be gentle on yourself! If you have any questions about how to prevent sensitivity from occurring again, be sure to ask your dentist. They will be able to help.


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